Browse product.
Choose any product .
click on add to cart button.
Then procced to check out button.
Then fill up your all details.like name , address, mobile no .
Then select payment method. you have online and offline option . choose any option as you like.
After a succesfull payment we will notifiy your purchase details. and we start work to reach your product as soon as possible.
I Haven’t Received My Receipt Or Login Details?
No worry check you mail inbox. if you dont get any mail check spam boxes also.
If you didnot get any mail . just mail us on [email protected]
We will take step about your requirements.
For your login credentials check your inbox and spam folder also.
If you did not get any mail . just mail us on [email protected]
We will take step about your requirements.
I Can’t Find My Products, Help?
just mail us on [email protected]
We will take step about your requirements.
Which Payment Types Do You Accept?
We accept online and offline both payment system.
For now you can pay cash on delivery . for online payment you can use paypal and instamojo payment gateway.
How Do I Disable Auto-Renewals?
We have not any renewals system. So you dont need it.
Can I Store More Than One Payment Method?
you cant
Which User data Stored your system.
we dont store any user details.
Is It Possible To Upgrade My Purchases?
How Do I Buy A Product With My Existing Account?
Browse product.
Choose any product .
click on add to cart button.
Then procced to check out button.
Then fill up your all details.like name , address, mobile no .
Then select payment method. you have online and offline option . choose any option as you like.
After a succesfull payment we will notifiy your purchase details. and we start work to reach your product as soon as possible.
Is It Possible To Upgrade My Purchases?
Where Do I Download My Purchase(s)?
When you purchase a downloadable product . it will store to your account section. just click you my account and then orders.
you can find your downloadble product there. you can download it to to device also.
mail us
We will cancel or delete your account.
What Are Subscription Keys For?
Now there is no subscription feature in our website.so we dont provide any subscription keys.
How Many Sites Can I Use My Key On?
we dont provide any subscription keys.
Are Subscriptions Valid For A Lifetime?
Now there is no subscription feature in our website.so we dont provide any subscription keys.